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Why You Should Replace the Whole Deck Instead of a Few Boards

A deck is a wonderful addition to any home because it allows owners and their guests to spend more time outside. But since most decks are made of wood, they deteriorate over time. Problems such as loose or rotting floorboards and unstable railings are common, and they can pose a health hazard. Today, we’ll have a closer look at why a brand-new deck installation is often better than simply repairing broken elements.

Deck Installation: Why Is It Better to Replace a Deck than Repair Broken Boards?

There are several reasons why you should consider a deck replacement over repairs. While very simple issues can be fixed, most decks that have started deteriorating are unlikely to be safe and functional in the long term. Since a well-built new deck can last for up to 50 years, it might be worth hiring contractors to tear down the old structure and custom-build a new deck for you and your family.

Not only is this generally cheaper, but it also saves you a lot of time because you won’t have to worry about continuously monitoring your deck and calling the contractors whenever there is a new issue. Additionally, an updated deck is likely to look more attractive and safer than a repaired one. Because it can be customized, you’ll also be able to create a space that better fits your needs.

Cheaper Option

If only one or a few floorboards are loose, you could consider simply repairing them, which might be the more efficient option. But isolated repairs are rare. Often, more issues are discovered once the repairs begin. In subsequent weeks and months, you will spend a lot of money fixing loose or rotted floorboards, replacing your railings, and fixing your support beams and posts as these issues manifest themselves.

The cost of repairs quickly adds up. In contrast, a deck replacement is a one-off fix. Since contractors prefer bigger jobs, you might get a discount or a better, all-inclusive rate. Well-built decks last between 10-50 years, so it’s unlikely that you have to spend more money on the structure in the next decades. 


Less Time-Consuming 

In addition to being cheaper, a one-off replacement is much more efficient because you don’t have to keep worrying about issues with your deck. Homeowners who have old decks often experience one problem after another, so they have to spend hours diagnosing the issue, speaking to contractors, and organizing various repairs.

By choosing a replacement, you can make sure you don’t have to worry about your deck for the foreseeable future. If you choose high-quality contractors, the whole process is hands-off, and you won’t have to spend any time overseeing the replacement. While you go about your day, the contractors remove your old deck and replace it with a durable, new one that matches the style of your home.

A Smooth and Even Look

A patched-up deck never looks as good as a new one. No matter what material you use, the replacement parts won’t fully match the original, especially since they are brand-new, while the old floorboards are worn from years of exposure to various weather conditions. Thus, anyone who would like to upgrade the look of their home should choose a deck replacement.

It’s Safer 

When a floorboard rots or is no longer structurally safe, this might not immediately be evident. Therefore, old decks that haven’t been kept in good condition can pose a serious health hazard. Additionally, an unstable or uneven surface could cause a problem because someone could trip and get injured. Some of the biggest safety issues associated with decks are weak or rotting joists and beams, weak post connections, and failing ledger boards.

You should also consider having your deck torn down and building a new one if there has been erosion around your posts due to adverse weather or if the building regulations in your area have been updated and your structure is no longer compliant. When you speak to experienced contractors, they can let you know whether your deck could pose a safety risk and what regulations you need to keep in mind when building a replacement.

You Can Customize Your New Deck  

Most homes on the market aren’t brand-new, and the previous owner might have had very different tastes to the new family. Even if your deck is in acceptable condition, you should consider having it torn down if it doesn’t suit your needs or you don’t like the way it looks. You might want to change the shape, size, or materials used to make it more suitable for your family’s lifestyle.

How to Optimize Your Deck 

If you’ve decided that your current deck is no longer in good condition and you want to have it replaced, you might wonder where to go from here. How can you make sure you build the best and most long-lasting replacement possible?

To get started, you should speak to local contractors, who can have a look at your space and then come up with some suggestions. They can advise you about what materials to use and how to make the deck fit in with the architecture of your home. Then, they will come up with a plan to construct your new deck.

What Are the Best Materials? 

There are several options when it comes to choosing new deck materials. As mentioned, most decks are made out of wood because it stays cool in the sun and creates a pleasant, natural look. But depending on your home, concrete could be a viable alternative. It is extremely easy to clean and makes your property look more modern. Unfortunately, it can get very hot in the summer.  

Another option to consider is stone or tiles, for example travertine or bluestone. These organic materials have a rich color and fit well with traditional architecture, and they can be more low-maintenance than a wooden deck.

Anyone who has issues with their deck should consider a replacement instead of repairs because this could be cheaper, safer, and less time-consuming in the long run. What’s more, the deck can be customized by the homeowner and tailored to the look of the home. Get in touch with us at Sutton’s in Springfield, IL to find out more about our work and to get your deck installation quote.

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